Introducing off-site capability

Meescan is predominantly used inside the library to allow patrons to check out items. As self-checkout transactions must be associated with a specific location, this requires location services and geolocation.

In light of library closures leading to increased use of Meescan outside the library, and to facilitate new and upcoming features, Meescan can now be used outside the library. Off-site support allows patrons to log in to Meecan and use features that don’t require location, such as viewing their account summary and visiting the My Library tab.

As long as patrons have the updated version of the Meescan app (3.4.0), off-site capability is enabled automatically. 

Self-checkout remains unavailable when off-site, with a message to notify patrons. 

Version: 3.4.0 (iOS & Android) 

Availability: Now


Meescan screenshot of off-site capability screenshot of Meescan off-site capability

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