
Privacy policy

SSU University Library

We at Meescan Inc. (“Meescan”, “Company”, “we”, “us” or “our “) are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers – Libraries using our services (“Libraries” or “Customers”) and users of our mobile app (“Library Patrons”, “App Users” or “Mobile App Users”) and visitors to our websites (“Website Users”). We have therefore created this policy statement (the “Policy”) to explain our privacy practices and procedures.

We believe that you should know what information we collect from you, as well as understand how we use, disclose, and protect that information. We believe that you should be able to communicate with us easily to limit the disclosure of any of your personally identifiable information, where practicable, and to address any questions or concerns that you may have. And we will not disclose information to third parties without your consent or as otherwise provided in this Policy.

By subscribing to, or using our services, or using our website, or mobile application, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy. For other terms and conditions that govern your use of our services and its website, and mobile application, please review the general Terms of Service.

The use of information collected through our service shall be limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the Client has engaged the Company.

1. Information we collect

We may collect a limited amount of personally identifiable information (also referred to as “personal data”) about users of our services and visitors to our website in order to ensure an enjoyable user experience and seamless communication. When we use the term “personally identifiable information,” we mean information that is directly associated with, or could be used to identify, a specific person. Such information includes a name, address, telephone number, email address, or information about activities directly linked to that person which would permit the physical or online contacting of that person.

Our definition of personally identifiable information does not include “aggregate information”— data we collect about a group or category of services or users or customers and from which individual user or customer identities have been removed. Aggregate information—for example, a report that indicates that a certain number of our customers reside in a particular state or region of the United States, or a report on how many of our customers visited particular pages of our website—aids us in understanding trends and customer needs. For example, aggregate information allows us to consider new services or tailor existing services to customer preferences, and to provide aggregate statistics to customers or potential customers.

We do not knowingly collect—either actively or passively—any information, including personal information as defined by the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, from children under the age of 13. To see how we use, disclose, and protect the personally identifiable information that we collect, please review the rest of this Policy.

Our definition of personally identifiable information also does not include your Internet protocol (“IP”) address.

We collect the following types of personally identifiable information through use of our website and mobile applications:

1.1. Information we collect from Customers

We collect information you give us by completing a web request form or contacting us directly or while being contacted by us —such as your name, billing address, telephone number, email address —in the process of inquiring about purchasing or use of our service.

1.2. Information we collect from mobile app users

We automatically collect certain types of information whenever you interact with us. For example, when a patron is performing a checkout operation, certain data is being sent through our servers, such as patron name, patron code, email address, item codes and titles, etc. We do not retain this information longer than necessary. As soon as the transaction is finished, all data pertaining the transaction is discarded. The only record of the finished transaction will exist in the library database.

In cases where mobile app integrates with an institution’s single sign-on service, said institution dictates what information is needed to perform a successful sign-on transaction. This transaction is further guided by the institution’s privacy policy. To perform a single sign-on login, the patron may be asked for login and password or other identifiable information such as patron’s social account information or other information for log in purposes. Information passed through the institution’s single sign-on service, including personally identifiable information and/or social account information, is not visible to this mobile app.

We protect the security of mobile app users personally identifiable information during open library check out or check in transaction transmission of data by using Secure sockets layer (“SSL”) software, which encrypts information mobile app users input or receive, so that no one else can read it as it is transmitted over the internet.

We do not retain any information related to library patrons /mobile app Users once the “Finish” button is being pressed in the app and the transaction has been finished.

1.3. Information we collect from Website Users

We do not collect any personally identifiable information from website visitors. We only collect “aggregate information” for internal statistical purposes. Our definition of personally identifiable information does not include your Internet protocol (“IP”) address.

2. Our Use Of Personally Identifiable Information Collected From Customers

2.1 Our Internal Use

In general, we use personally identifiable information to serve our existing and prospective customers and to enhance and extend our customer relationships.

More specifically:
We use personally identifiable information to provide services or complete transactions you have requested, to anticipate and resolve problems with your services, and to create and inform you of new products or services.

Subject to the licence holder agreement, we use email, telemarketing, and direct mail to inform you about our products or services we think will interest you. If you do not wish to receive these types of communications, you can choose at any time not to continue receiving them by unsubscribing.

While you may choose not to receive marketing information from us, you will continue to receive bills, customer service- related notifications, and other similar information from us electronically or otherwise. You will also continue to receive communications directly related to each service you purchase or subscribe to.

2.2 Our Customer Surveys

Periodically, Customers may be asked to participate in our surveys to help us improve our services. Any personally identifiable information that we may collect from you in a survey will ONLY be used internally by the Company. And unless otherwise explained in the instructions for a particular customer survey, any personally identifiable information you provide to us for purposes of that survey will be used in accordance with this Policy.

2.3 Third-Party Use

We will not disclose personally identifiable information related to Customers to any third parties unless it is necessary for seamless continuance of our services to you, and you have been notified of such disclosure.

3. Disclosure Of Personally Identifiable Information

Because information about our existing and prospective customers is one of our most important business assets, we seek to protect it and keep it confidential. We do not share personally identifiable information with any third parties, nor do we sell it to third parties unless otherwise identified in this policy.

3.1 Consent

We will not disclose the Customer’s personally identifiable information other than in accordance with this Policy. In general, that means that the Customer must consent to the disclosure in advance. Depending on the service, we may obtain Customer’s consent in a number of ways, including:

  • In writing.
  • Verbally, or
  • Online, by clicking on a link or button.In general, we release personally identifiable information when we believe release is appropriate to do one of the following:
  • Comply with the law (e.g., lawful subpoena or court order).
  • Enforce or apply our agreements to sell or provide services to you.
  • Bill and collect for services; or
  • Protect our rights or property (e.g., to address allegations about fraudulent or unlawful activity on the Company account)

3.2 Disclosure to Unaffiliated Third Parties

We share personally identifiable information collected from Customers with unaffiliated third parties only as necessary to complete a transaction or perform a service that you /Customer have requested. When the unaffiliated third-party acts solely on our behalf, the company requires that party to follow our privacy practices. We do not sell our customer lists, or any personally identifiable information associated with our customers to third parties.

3.3 Business Transfers

Information about our Mobile App Users (only aggregate information) and Customers, including personally identifiable information collected from Customers, may be disclosed as part of any merger, acquisition, or sale of company assets. It may also be disclosed in the unlikely event of insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership in which personally identifiable information would be transferred as one of the business assets of the Company.

4. Customer Proprietary Network Information

We collect and maintain certain customer proprietary network information (“CPNI”). Your CPNI includes the network address, port and other settings necessary to access the library ILS, ILS credentials, location codes, etc.
We do not sell, trade, or otherwise share Customers CPNI with anyone outside of the Company or with anyone who is not authorized to represent us or to perform functions on our behalf, except as the law may require, or you may authorize.
Protecting your CPNI is important to us. We may use or disclose your CPNI for legal or regulatory reasons such as to respond to a court order, to investigate fraud, to protect our rights or property, to protect against the unlawful use of our services, or to protect other users. You have a right and we have a duty under federal law to protect the confidentiality of your CPNI.

5. Security And Data Integrity

We maintain a variety of physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to guard Customers personally identifiable information and CPNI. Specifically, we use commercially accepted procedures and systems to protect against unauthorized access to our systems. We restrict access to Customers personally identifiable information and CPNI to those employees and contractors—all of whom are covered by this Policy—who need to know that information to provide services to you or otherwise assist you.
We utilize Secure Sockets Layer (“SSL”) software, which encrypts all information transmitted between our servers, mobile apps and Meescan stations to protect the security of sensitive and personally identifiable information of our Customers and Meescan App Users.
You can take additional steps on your own to safeguard your personally identifiable information. For example, you should be sure to sign off when finished using a shared computer. And you should always log out of any website after viewing personal account information.
Please be advised that the Company has no control over or responsibility for the security or privacy policies or practices of other sites on the Internet you might visit, interact with, or from which you might buy products or services, even if you visit them using links from our website.

6. Our Use Of “Cookies”

We may use “cookies” to enhance your use of our website. Cookies allow us to do the following:

  • Complete transactions you have requested;
  • Collect information to determine which services and sections of our website are most and least popular; and
  • Personalize our website and make recommendations to you based on services you have used in the past.

We do not use cookies to store credit card information.
We also use a session-based cookie to maintain continuity of navigation for you when viewing our website during a particular on-line session. After closing the browser, the session cookie simply terminates; it is not stored on your computer’s hard drive thereafter.
You can block cookies from your computer using your web browser’s settings.

7. Our Use Of Banner Ads

We may use third-party advertising companies to place advertisements about our products and services on other websites. These advertising companies may use cookies, web beacons, or other technologies to measure the effectiveness of our ads. The use of such cookies, web beacons, and other technologies is subject to the advertising companies’ privacy policies, not the Policy of Meescan Inc. If you wish to not have this information used for the purpose of serving you targeted ads, you may opt-out by contacting us or by following the instructions to block cookies using your web browser settings.

8. Social Media Features

Our website may include Social Media Features, such as the Facebook or Twitter buttons. These Features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the Feature to function properly. Social Media Features are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Site. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the privacy policy of the third-party company providing them.

9. Referral Programs

If you choose to use our referral programs to refer someone to our site, we will ask you for the intended recipient’s name, email address, and phone number. We will store and use this information to send emails inviting said subject to visit the site. We will store this information for the sole purpose of sending the emails and tracking the success of our referral program. Your referral may contact us here to request that we remove this information from our database.

10. Blogs And Forums

Our website may offer publicly accessible blogs or community forums. You should be aware that any information you provide in these areas may be read, collected, and used by others who access them. To request removal of your personal information from our blog or community forum, please contact us. In some cases, we may not be able to remove your personal information, in which case we will let you know if we are unable to do so and why.

11. Testimonials

With your input and your consent, we may post a customer testimonial by you on our website, which may include your name, industry, company, title, or other identifying information. If you want your testimonial removed, please contact us.

12. Enforcement

The Company regularly reviews its compliance with this Privacy Policy. Please contact us with any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or our treatment of personal information. When we receive formal written complaints, it is the Company policy to contact the complaining customer or user regarding his or her concerns.

13. Updating Of Our Policy

The Company will revise or update this Policy if our practices change or as we change existing services, add new services, or develop better ways to inform you of services we think will interest you. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by email (sent to the email address specified in your account) or by means of a notice on this website prior to the change becoming effective. You should refer back to this page for the latest information and the effective date of any changes.

14. Contacting Us

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this Policy, please email us at info@meescan.com, or call us at 1 (888) 510-7095.