


Returning to library conferences in person

A year full of conferences    Meescan’s had a phenomenal year back at in-person and virtual conferences!  It was great to see familiar faces, meet new librarians and exhibitors, and return to conferences in such an exciting fashion. We had

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woman with book in her hand between bookshelves

Return books with kiosks and mobile devices

Do you know about our Returns feature? That’s right – your patrons can check books in the same way they checked out, using Meescan! We designed the Meescan Returns feature to be configurable for your library. Regardless of how you’d

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Team photo in front of deep cove with kayaks

Staff kayaking 2022

It’s that time of year again! The Meescan team took a break from working on self-checkout to go on our annual kayaking staff day in Deep Cove. Upon arrival, we immediately applied layers of sunscreen, changed into some kayaking-appropriate outfits,

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Close up of person holding a stack of library books.

Meescan is the perfect companion for bookmobiles

  Meescan is designed for libraries of all sizes and shapes – even libraries with wheels and an engine! We love working with mobile libraries because they often provide services to the underserved or out-of-reach patrons that would otherwise have

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young woman smiling, holding library books

Introducing self-service returns

What’s the opposite of checking out items? Checking them back in! Meescan now allows patrons to return items from mobile devices and kiosks. The returns process works very similarly to our self-checkout, so this new feature will feel very familiar

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Members of the Meescan team kayaking on the ocean in Indian Arm.

Annual kayaking staff day

Last month, we held our third annual kayaking staff event! We all took the day off from working on self-checkout solutions, turned on our out of office replies, and headed out for one of our favourite staff days every year. 

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